Journal of Education in Muslim Societies Launched
The Journal of Education in Muslim Societies (JEMS, volume 1, issue 1, Fall 2019) has been launched. It is published semiannually as part of the International Institute of Islamic Thought's new Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) initiative in partnership with Indiana University Press. JEMS aims to contribute original scholarly research to debates, practices, policies, and reforms affecting education in Muslim societies in an attempt to link the academic and theoretical domains with policy and practice. By casting light on the state of education and educational reforms in these societies, it is intended to interrogate and explore their core problems, needs, reform objectives, approaches and perspectives, cross-cutting trends, innovations, opportunities, and other education-related challenges.
ISSN: 2641-0044 (paperback)
e-ISSN: 2641-0052 (electronic/digital)